Google Ads is the most powerful online advertising tool to help you reach specific targets, such as gaining more new clients for your acupuncture clinic. It is a digital marketing platform that uses the PPC or Pay Per Click system. This means that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
In this article, we go through a step-by-step guide on how to create Google ads for acupuncture, and useful marketing strategies to maximize the performance of your campaign.
Table of Contents
ToggleGoogle Ads for Acupuncture
1. Google Ads
Incorporating Google Ads as part of your online marketing strategy will help your acupuncture advertisement show up at the top of Google’s search result pages when someone actively looks for your products and services, increasing the chance of high-quality leads clicking on your ad over your competitors.
When you create Google Ads for Acupuncture, it will show up on the results page with Sponsored at the top, just like in our example below:
2. Why Google Ads for Acupuncturists
Google Ads will not only help your acupuncture clinic gain more new customers. It will give you faster results in comparison to other marketing strategies such as SEO or Search Engine Optimization, and the ability to have full control to customize your Google ads campaign based on your chosen target demographics.
With Google Ads for Acupuncturists, you will also have a better understanding of the interests and habits of your target audience through built-in analytics from Google, and the chance to experience a higher ROI or Return On Investment.
3. Key Terms for Google Ads
Before creating our first Google ads campaign, it’s important to have an understanding of the key features that make up Google Ads.
- Campaign: This consists of all the ad groups, keywords, and preferred settings that make up your ad.
- Ad Groups: These are the umbrella or main themes that the keywords go under.
- Keywords: These are the specific words or phrases that are under the ad groups. They will be the terms that people will likely be searching to find your business, and products or services.
- Conversions: This is usually a set of actions people may take to contact or secure service for your business (for instance, someone calling your clinic to set an appointment for tendonitis acupuncture).
- Ad Rank: This is the position of your ad on the search results page. This will usually be determined by features such as Quality Score.
- Landing page: A standalone page people will be directed or “taken” to when they click on your ad.
- PPC: This is the pay-per-click. This will be the amount you pay to Google Ads every time someone clicks on your ad.
Still in doubt if Google Ads is the right marketing tool for your acupuncture clinic? Check out How This Acupuncture Clinic Got 20+ Extra New Leads Per Month Through Google Ads.
We’ve helped over 1,000 clients reach their target goals with Google Ads, and have survived and thrived through more than 15 algorithm updates, so if you also want to experience success with this online advertising platform, book an appointment with our friendly team of experts, or check out all our success case studies on Yoyofumedia’s Page.
4. Creating Google Ads for Acupuncture Clinic
To create your first Google ads for acupuncture, you will first need to sign up and create an account on Ads Google with your email address. If you already have an account, click Start now.
When logged in, you will see your google ads dashboard. select “+New campaign” to get started.
4.1 Campaign Settings
Select Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance as your campaign objective. Choosing this objective will allow you more control over your ad campaign settings. With this option, you will also be able to implement different marketing strategies in your campaign, rather than only focusing on one marketing strategy.
Select Search as your campaign type.
We want your Google ads for acupuncture to show up at the top of Google’s search result pages when a user searches for keywords in your ad, so search is the ideal campaign for you. We also recommend using search as the campaign type due to its functionality for beginners creating Google ads. In the next section, you will need to name your campaign. An example you can use for the campaign name is Search – Acupuncture Clinic.
Network Settings
You don’t want to use either search network or display network settings for your Google ads campaign.
Including Google search partners allows your ad to be shown on other search websites, and including Google display network allows your ad to be shown in different formats and platforms, for instance, as banners on YouTube.
Although these options might be beneficial for your Google ads, your ad will likely show up on irrelevant partner websites or irrelevant platforms, and use your ad spending budget without giving you quality leads as a result. For these reasons, we will leave both network options unchecked.
Location Settings
For your location settings, select “Enter another location”, then enter the location where your acupuncture clinic operates.
You also want to select Presence or Interest as your location options. This ensures that your ad will be shown to people in, regularly in, or those who have shown interest in your targeted locations.
If you want to further optimize your location settings, select Advanced search.
As you can see from our example guide, we selected Irvine, California as our target location.
Selecting a location will give you an estimated reach but if you want to include additional location settings, you can use the radius setting.
In this example, we decided to use the radius setting and enter a 10-mile distance.
If you want to target a wider location, increase the miles in the radius settings. We don’t recommend going higher than 15 miles because potential clients may not be willing to travel that distance to get to your acupuncture clinic.
For your location settings, we also recommend implementing location bidding strategies. For instance, you want to adjust your bidding to be lower the further away the location is from your clinic. This way you can bid higher for locations that are nearer your acupuncture clinic.
Want to implement location bidding strategies but don’t know how?
Audience Segments
If your acupuncture clinic offers services and treatments for all age groups you can skip this step.
If you will be adding audience segments, you can select the type of audience segmentation you want to include in your ad campaign and select the Observation targeting option. This ensures that your search will not be narrowed by audience segments alone.
Ad Rotation and Ad Schedule
For your ad rotation settings, select Do not optimize.
We don’t recommend selecting the “optimize” option for your ad rotation on Google so that all your ads will rotate evenly into the ad auction for an indefinite amount of time.
For your ad schedule, you can choose to only show your Google ads for acupuncture on the days your business is open. You also want to input your business working hours, if you will be adding an ad schedule to your campaign.
This is to make sure that you only receive inquiries during the time you or your front desk or receptionist can answer these queries or even calls. Failure to acknowledge new leads during your non-business hours will result in lost leads.
4.2 Ad Groups
As we mentioned earlier, an ad group will contain all your keywords, and these will generally be grouped under a theme. These keywords will be the triggering element that will make your Google Ads appear on a user’s search results page.
Your ad group will also contain all the information that a user will see from your ad, therefore setting your ad groups correctly is essential to increasing your click-through rate and getting new clients for your acupuncture clinic.
4.3 Creating your Ad Groups for your Acupuncture Clinic
For this first ad group example, we will name it “Acupuncture Services Irvine CA”.
Then to get keyword suggestions for your ad group, you can either enter your website URL or even a local competitor’s to see which keywords they are targeting.
Similarly, you can also opt out of entering a website URL, and enter a product or service your acupuncture clinic offers instead, for instance, “acupuncture services”.
Once you’ve selected get keyword suggestions, you will see all the relevant keywords you can add to your ad group from your initial keyword search.
Review and check each keyword to make sure these are products or services your clinic actually offers. Remove any that is irrelevant to your ad campaign.
You will also want to consider adjusting your keyword bidding based on how high-intent or low-intent these keywords are depending on your industry and competitors. For instance, if your local competitors are overpaying for high-intent keywords, you will want to focus on lower-intent keywords and vice versa.
Unsure how to adjust your keyword bidding on high-intent and low-intent keywords?
When you are happy with your keywords, you will need to format these into keyword match types. You can even use free websites such as Keyword Match Type Tool, to help you format your keywords, so you don’t have to manually format each keyword individually.
For more in-depth information on keyword match types, read the 4 Google Ads Keyword Match Types – What You Should Know To Get The Most Out Of Your Marketing Campaigns.
4.4 Keyword Match Types
We can use different keyword match types for your Google Ads campaign, and each match type has a specific way of triggering your ads to show up on a user’s search page.
Broad match types are the terms that relate to your chosen keywords. These can include misspellings, and will usually have the highest reach but the lowest relevance.
Phrase match types are words or terms that include your keyword in phrases, close variations of that phrase, or even your keyword’s meaning. Keywords in this match type will usually be put in quotation marks, for example: “keyword“
Exact match types are the words or queries that must match your keyword or your keyword’s meaning. This match type has the highest relevance to the keywords in your Google campaign, but it is also the match type that is likely to have the lowest reach in comparison to broad match and phrase match. Keywords in this match type will have to be put in brackets marks, for example: [keyword]
5. Creating your Google Text Ad
Final URL and Display path
This is the part where you will get creative and enter all the important information regarding your acupuncture clinic.
In these settings, you will need to enter your website landing page in the final URL. For your display path, enter keywords or key terms that are relevant to your ad. For this example, we entered services and treatments as the display path key terms.
The display path terms give the user an idea of where they will be taken once they click on your ad.
The headlines are usually the first thing a user will see from your ad, therefore you want to enter headlines that will make your ad stand out. If your clinic has won any awards, you can include these as part of the headlines for your Google ads for acupuncture.
Here are other headlines you can use to increase your click-through rate or CTC: “Certified acupuncturist” and Best acupuncture in Irvine, California.
If you are struggling to come up with effective headlines for your ad campaign, you can click on more ideas, and Google will provide you with keyword suggestions that have high-volume searches based on their data.
You will be required to enter a minimum of 3 headlines per ad, and you can include up to 15 headlines with a maximum of 30 characters each.
In your descriptions section, include additional information that will reinforce your headlines. These should also work to increase your click-through rate, therefore add information that will help convince the user to click on your ad over your competitor’s.
5.1 Ad Assets
Ad assets are a great way to make your Google ads stand out from the Google search results page, by making it appear bigger and taking in more space.
One of the ad assets we recommend adding to your Google ads for acupuncture campaign is sitelink assets.
Sitelink assets act as direct links to your landing pages, encouraging the user to complete the customer conversion journey once they click on your ad.
Enter keywords for the treatments or services that people most commonly search for, which your clinic offers. Some of the sitelink text you could include as ad assets are: Fertility Acupuncture, Chronic pain, Weight loss, and TMJ acupuncture.
Here is what your Google ads for acupuncture would look like with the sitelinks added:
Callout Assets
Another ad asset to include is callout assets. Here you can add short information about your business that highlights why they should choose your clinic over your local competitors.
For instance, you can add callout texts such as Licensed and Certified, 35 Years of Experience, FDA Approved Safe, and even add Book An Appoint Now to encourage the user to take action.
Call Assets
We also recommend adding call assets. This ad asset includes your business phone number in the ad itself so that your potential leads can directly call your acupuncture clinic without having to click on your ad.
Note: With call assets, you want to make sure that you can call back your leads to ensure they convert to actual clients. Not following up with a callback will result in that potential lead going to your competitor instead.
Promotion Assets
Another ad asset you could include as part of your Google Ads for Acupuncture is promotion assets.
You could have seasonal promos to attract potential new customers, or even offer an online exclusive discount code for your treatments or services.
When you are done creating your Google Text Ad, and adding your ad assets, you will always get a preview on the right side of the screen of what your ad will look like with the new additions.
Below is an example of the Google Ads for Acupuncture with the Promotion Assets added:
6. Manual CPC and Bidding
Now that we are done creating the Google text ad, we can set up the manual CPC (Cost Per Click) or budget.
For your manual CPC or budget, you don’t want to start with a budget amount that is too low. This is because entering an amount that is stretched too thin will not give you enough measurable data to analyze for you to improve your Google ads campaign.
With a very low average daily budget amount, you are also unlikely to get the results you want, since it might take longer to get you new clients for your acupuncture clinic.
Keep in mind, that your average daily budget will also depend on your niche or industry, your location, and your local competitors.
For this guide, we will enter $50 as our starting average daily budget.
When you enter your manual CPC or your budget, Google will give you an estimate of the expected performance of your campaign, such as data analytics on estimated weekly clicks, weekly costs, and average CPC. Remember that these are only estimates and not 100% accurate since your ad campaign could perform better than the expected analytics.
Not sure what your starting manual CPC should be based on your industry and local competitors?
For your bidding settings, you want to select Clicks as your bidding target, since we want to use the PPC or Pay Per Click system to gain more new patients for your acupuncture clinic.
In this guide, we will leave the maximum cost-per-click limit unchecked, but if you want to have more control over your ad spending, go ahead and tick this box, then enter your maximum CPC limit.
You will also want to skip the customer acquisition section, then click next.
Once you are done with your manual CPC and bidding settings, you will be able to view all your settings before running your campaign.
Check that all the information for your Google ads for acupuncture is correct, and then click “Publish campaign” and you’re done!
Congratulations, you’ve just created your first-ever Google Ads Campaign!
Once your Google ads for acupuncture are up and running, you will see a preview of what your campaign will look like on Google’s search result pages, like in the image below.
7. Optimizing your Google Ads for Acupuncture Campaign
7.1 Keyword Planner
One of the best tools you can use to optimize your Google Ads campaign is keyword planner.
Google’s keyword planner gives you data and insights from historical trends for specific keywords relevant to your Google ads campaign. With this tool, you can understand keywords’ popularity and demand, including their search volume over time, competition level, and top-of-page bids. It is also very easy to incorporate these keywords into your ad campaign.
To access this feature on your Google Ads Account:
- Select Tools on the left side of your screen.
- Click on Planning, then select Keyword Planner.
- Choose Discover new keywords.
Enter a product or service that is offered by your acupuncture clinic, or you can enter keywords such as acupuncture services.
When you click on Get Results, you will get a preview of all the relevant keywords that show up in that initial search, along with the data and insight on the historical trends we mentioned earlier.
You can also see which keywords are already in your ad groups, by checking under Account status and seeing which ones are labeled “In Account”.
As we mentioned, it is easy to incorporate these keywords into your ad campaign. Simply tick the keywords you want to add.
Then, click “More” and select “Add to Account”.
Choose the ad group you want to add these keywords to, and then select the match type you want them formatted in. In this example, we will add it to the ad group Acupuncture Services Irvine CA, and we will add these as broad match types.
Your keywords are now added to your ad campaign. You can confirm this by checking that they are labeled “In Account” under Account status.
7.2 Negative Keywords
Another way in which you can optimize your Google ads campaign, and one we strongly recommend implementing, is by adding negative keywords to your campaign.
Negative keywords are another form of keyword match type. They work by preventing your ad from being triggered by terms that are relevant to your niche and industry but are irrelevant to your ad, and the services your clinic offers.
Adding negative keywords to your Google ads campaign will help your ad focus on your targetted keywords, to bring you high-quality leads and conversions, resulting in a higher return on investment.
Using negative keywords will also prevent your ad spending from being wasted on unnecessary clicks that won’t translate to new potential patients.
To add negative keywords from your Google Ads Account:
- Select “Campaigns”, then click on “Audiences, Keywords, and Content”.
- Then click “Add Negative Keywords“
Enter your negative keywords in the text box.
You can enter negative keywords such as “In-Home Acupuncture” if you don’t offer home acupuncture services.
Enter other negative keywords such as “Acupuncture for animals” if your acupuncture clinic is strictly for people, and “Acupuncture kits” to exclude your Google ads for acupuncture to show up for search queries looking for products or tools for acupuncture.
Click Save.
Your negative keywords have now been added to your ad campaign in their respective keyword match types.
Adding Negative Keywords using Keyword Planner
Earlier we showed you the step-by-step guide on how to add keywords to your ad campaign from keyword planner.
The same steps apply when incorporating negative keywords from keyword planner, but instead of adding them to your account, you will need to select “Add as negative keyword”.
In this example, we will add “canine acupuncture near me” as our negative keyword.
Once you’ve added your negative keyword, it will be labeled in red as “In Plan: Negative”.
Now you know how to add negative keywords manually and through keyword planner!
7.3 Landing Page
As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, a landing page is a standalone page that a user will be taken to when they click on your ad. It should have one main purpose, and that is to convince the user to convert through CTA or Call To Action Buttons.
A good and effective landing page will also contain key elements that work together to convince the user or website visitor to make a purchase, complete a short form, or book an appointment in response to the offer on the landing page.
Key Elements of an Effective Landing Page
The key elements that contribute to a good and effective landing page are the following:
- Headline: A clear headline or title containing the keywords of the product or service being offered.
- Hero Shot or Image: An image that visually communicates what is being offered.
- Social proof or Testimonials: Feedback from previous clients to help convince website visitor to convert.
- Unique Selling Proposition: Key information or benefit that makes you stand out from your competitors.
- Key Benefits: What can you offer to the website visitor? These should be the solution to their fears or problems.
- Call-to-action buttons: Critical for conversions. These should be placed dominantly throughout the landing page.
- Lead Forms: Another point of interaction in response to the product or service you offer.
Apart from all these key elements, the landing page should also have a section that addresses the user’s fears and hopes (the problem and the solution), and additional information to answer any additional questions or queries the user might have before taking action on purchasing the product or availing of the service.
Landing page Example
Let’s have a look at a landing page that utilizes plenty of key elements to encourage the website visitor to take action by purchasing a product or booking an appointment.
Keywords are used in the title for the service being advertised, along with a hero image and CTA buttons.
As we scroll down, you can read a supporting copy of their acupuncture treatments, along with another hero image of the acupuncturist and trust indicators.
These trust indicators are then reinforced by showcasing the many awards this acupuncture clinic has won in the past, convincing the website user that it is a reliable and trustworthy clinic.
To further convince the website visitor to convert, it also has social proof or testimonials from previous clients.
Lastly, we can see on this landing page that they’ve included another CTA through the use of a short lead form to encourage the website visitor to take the next step, which is to make an appointment.
Although plenty of key elements were used in this landing page example, ways in which it can be improved is by adding supporting copy that addresses the user’s fears and solutions, the key benefits of their treatments, and a unique selling proposition that makes them stand out from other local acupuncture clinics.
Do you feel like your landing pages are not optimized enough to effectively give you high-quality leads? We can help!
8. Key Takeaways
If you are in doubt about which online marketing tool will be the best for your acupuncture clinic but want fast and guaranteed results, Google Ads is for you.
Using Google’s PPC system with marketing strategies for your acupuncture business will help your clinic grow by helping you stand out from your local competitors, and gain more high-quality leads.
If you follow the step-by-step guide in this article and implement the recommended marketing strategies discussed, you will also need to continuously optimize and manage your Google ads campaign.
Applying all these elements to your Google Ads for Acupuncture campaign will bring you even more new customers, and as a result, you will likely experience a higher return on investment, helping your acupuncture business further grow and succeed.
In need of assistance managing and optimizing your Google Ads campaigns? Schedule a Free Consultation with us!