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Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers – The Best Guide for Mortgage Companies to Increase Traffic and Lead Conversion

The internet provides a wealth of opportunities for mortgage brokers, in particular, to connect with prospective clients who are actively looking for their services. In this fast-paced, competitive world, harnessing the power of Google Ads for mortgage brokers is not just an option; it’s an imperative. 

Mortgage brokers serve a vital role in assisting people in realizing their goals of homeownership or financial security through refinancing. However, finding the proper customers and standing out in a competitive industry can be difficult and require creative and practical marketing strategies. This is where Google Ads, one of the most influential tools in the digital marketing arsenal, comes into play.


Understanding Google Ads

It’s important to understand what Google Ads is and how it operates. Google offers businesses, including mortgage brokers, the opportunity to advertise their goods and services directly to consumers who are actively looking for pertinent information through Google Ads.

With Google Ads, you can create highly targeted ads, manage your spending, and track the effectiveness of your campaign in real-time. It’s a level-playing field platform that allows both big and small mortgage brokerages to compete for potential customers’ attention on the most recognized search engine worldwide.


Benefits of Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers

Being able to communicate effectively and efficiently with potential clients is crucial in the fiercely competitive mortgage market. Because of its many benefits, Google Ads is a vital resource for mortgage brokers looking to grow their internet presence and connect with potential clients.

  1. The ability of Google Ads to directly target those who are actively looking for information about mortgages is one of its most notable features. Mortgage brokers may make sure that those who are truly interested in their services see their ads by using accurate targeting based on keywords and user intent. This optimizes the return on investment (ROI) and raises the possibility of obtaining excellent leads.
  2. The pay-per-click (PPC) model of Google Ads means that you only pay when a user clicks on your ad. This cost-effective method enables mortgage brokers to establish a budget that corresponds with their available funds and modify it as necessary. Real-time campaign monitoring and optimization guarantees that your advertising dollars are being used effectively.
  3. You can easily scale your campaigns up or down using Google Ads in accordance with your business objectives and the state of the market. Google Ads meets your demands, whether you want to concentrate on a certain demographic, reach a wider audience nationally, or target a specific geographic location. You can modify your campaigns to fit changing goals as your mortgage brokerage expands.
  4. As opposed to conventional advertising techniques, which could make success measurement difficult, Google Ads offers thorough and instantaneous analytics. Numerous indicators are available for tracking, including cost per conversion, conversion rates, and click-through rates (CTR). With the help of this data-driven strategy, you can make wise judgments, adjust your tactics, and spend resources more efficiently so that your campaigns continue to get better.
  5. You may add additional information to your advertising with Google ads by using a variety of ad extensions, like callout extensions, site connections, and location data. These add-ons give prospective customers useful information, which raises the likelihood that they will select your brokerage over competitors.
  6. Using Google Ads strategically and consistently can assist mortgage brokers in building and enhancing their online brand presence. You can increase brand recognition and trust in your target audience by appearing in search results on a regular basis and using attention-grabbing ad language.
  7. Google Ads can yield immediate results, in contrast to certain other digital marketing strategies that might require some time to get popularity. Once your campaign goes live, prospective customers who are actively looking for mortgage solutions may see your ads, which could result in instant enquiries and conversions.


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Starting Your Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers Campaign

An effective Google Ads campaign starts with a carefully considered plan that is carried out exactly as intended. We’ll go through the essential actions to get your Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers campaign up and running successfully in this part.


Define Your Campaign Objectives

Before diving into the technical aspects of setting up a Google Ads for mortgage brokers campaign, it’s essential to establish clear objectives. Your campaign’s goals will guide every decision you make, from keyword selection to ad creatives. Common campaign objectives for mortgage brokers include:

Lead Generation: This is the most common goal for mortgage brokers. You aim to capture contact information from potential clients interested in your services.

Brand Awareness: If you’re looking to establish or reinforce your brand in the market, this objective focuses on getting your name in front of as many eyes as possible.

Traffic Generation: If you want to increase traffic to your website and provide valuable mortgage-related information, this objective can help drive users to your site.


Keyword Research for Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers

The foundation of every effective Google Ads campaign is keyword research. It entails figuring out keywords and phrases that potential clients are likely to use when looking for mortgage services.

  • By targeting the right keywords, you ensure your ads are displayed to users actively seeking your services, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Effective keyword research can help you identify high-converting keywords that provide the best ROI, reducing wasted ad spend on less relevant terms.
  • Understanding which keywords your competitors are targeting can help you differentiate your campaign and identify potential gaps in the market.

Researching Relevant Keywords 

Start with Seed Keywords: Start your keyword research with core phrases or seed words associated with your mortgage brokerage, including “refinance,” “home loans,” or “mortgage broker.”

Use Keyword Research Tools: To increase the size of your keyword list, make use of keyword research tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner. These resources provide insightful data on similar terms, search traffic, and competitiveness.

Analyze Competitors: Examine the websites and Google Ads campaigns of your competitors to see the keywords they are targeting on. This can help you discover valuable keyword opportunities.

Consider User Intent: Think about the intent behind specific keywords. Are users looking for information, comparing options, or ready to take action? Tailor your keyword selection to match user intent.


Determine your bid amount and budget for your Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers Campaign

Determining the bid amount and budget for  your Google Ads for mortgage brokers campaign requires careful planning and consideration of your advertising goals, industry, and competition. Numbers one to three below were highlighted above.

 1. Set Clear Goals: Define your advertising objectives. Are you aiming for clicks, conversions, impressions, or something else? Understanding your goals will guide your bidding strategy.

2. Keyword Research: Do some keyword research to find terms that are associated with your products or services. To determine keyword traffic and competitiveness, use Google’s Keyword Planner tool.

3. Competitive Analysis: Find out what bid amounts competitors are using for similar keywords by researching them. You may create a baseline with the aid of this.

4. Determine Your Maximum CPC (Cost-Per-Click):

Here’s a great reference on how to determine your maximum CPC in Google Ads.

  • Calculate your target return on investment (ROI) or cost per conversion.
  • Estimate your conversion rate (the percentage of clicks that result in a conversion).
  • Use the formula: Maximum CPC = (Target ROI or Cost per Conversion) x Conversion Rate

5. Budget Allocation: Determine your daily or monthly budget in accordance with your advertising objectives and financial resources. Ensure that your budget is sustainable over time.

6. Campaign Structure: Organize your campaigns and ad groups logically. Allocate funds to campaigns according to their significance and order of relevance.


Setting Up Your Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers Campaign 

Creating a Google Ads account for your first Google Ads for mortgage brokers is a straightforward process:

Sign Up

Go to the Google Ads website and sign up for an account. Click Start.

Click Skip Campaign Creation.

You’ll need to provide some basic information about your business.

Click Explore Your Account, you will be diverted to the  Google Ads dashboard.

You can create your first campaign by clicking on the + New Campaign or Set up a Campaign.



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Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers Campaign Creation 

To start click on Create A Campaign without a Goal’s Guidance.

Google Ads offers several campaign types, including Search, Display, and Video. For mortgage brokers, a Search campaign is typically the most effective choice to start.

Click on Search then click Continue.

Proceed to the Campaign Name box and enter the name for your first Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers campaign. Click Continue.

Bidding Strategy 

You would want to have a complete control over your campaign. Choose Clicks and tick the box for Set A Maximum Cost Per Click Bid Limit.

Set your bid amount in the Maximum CPC Bid Limit Box, then click Next. Here is a great reference to learn more about Maximum CPC.

Campaign Settings 

In Campaign Settings, you may configure the settings of your Google Ads for mortgage brokers campaign here such as targeting locations, languages and campaign dates and schedule.

Under Network, make sure to untick the boxes for Search Network and Display Network. You would want to untick the Search Network box because you would want to focus your ads shown in Google Search and make sure to reach quality potential leads looking for your products and services.

Under Locations, you may geographically target your ads to reach the right audience by choosing your location and areas you service.

Click Location Options.

Make sure Presence or interest is checked.

Under Languages, of course you would want to use your target audience language. Click More Settings.

Click on Ad Rotation.

Make sure to check Do Not Optimize as you would want to run your ads equally and be able to identify which ones are working and not.

Click Start and End Dates.

Type in your planned start and end dates you would like your Google Ads for mortgage brokers campaign ad to run.


Click Ad Schedule

You have the choice to run your ads for all days or days when your target audience is online, you may type in your preferred schedule and timing.

Skip other More Settings for now.

Moving on to Keywords and Ads, this is where you will create ad groups based on related keywords. This helps you organize your ads and tailor them to specific search queries.

Type in your preferred ad group name for your Google Ads for mortgage brokers campaign.

Keyword Selection

Add the keywords you identified during your research to your ad groups. You can enter your competitors website or related products and services then click Get Keyword Suggestions.

Google is able to scan keywords from the provided competitors website or products and services. A list of keywords will appear inside the box. Click View to show other keyword suggestions.

Click to apply to include the suggested keywords.

Click Learn More to get an idea about which keyword match types. You can specify match types (e.g., broad match, phrase match, exact match) to control how closely your keywords must match user queries for your ads to appear. 

Use Keyword Match Type Tool  to quickly format the keywords according to your preferred match type.


Ad Creation

Craft compelling ad copy that aligns with your chosen keywords and campaign objectives. Be sure to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) and highlight what sets your mortgage brokerage apart.

Type in your Final URL, then your Display Path. Your choose keywords related to your products and services for your display path.

Type in Headlines. Make sure to add keywords in your headlines. You may position your headlines by hovering on the headline boxes to make a pin appear.

Type in Descriptions for your ads. Make sure to create unique descriptions and add keywords. Click Next.


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Click Sitelinks.

What are Sitelinks?

Sitelinks are additional links that you may add to your Google Ads ad to provide people more ways to visit various pages on your website. With sitelinks, you  can guide visitors to certain pages on your website, such the contact or mortgage products and services pages. 

In order to guarantee that consumers discover precisely what they’re searching for, each sitelink can have its own landing page. When visitors click on a sitelink, they expect to see pertinent information right away. Ensuring sure the landing page linked to the sitelink fulfills that expectation enhances the user experience overall and boosts conversion rates.

You may add the link of a web page from your website here and descriptions. Once done, click Create.

Skip More Asset Types for now and click Done.


Here’s a sample of how your ad will look:

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is an independent web page designed exclusively for a marketing or advertising campaign. It serves as the destination users arrive at after clicking on an online ad or promotional link. In contrast to a homepage or a general website page, a landing page is dedicated to a singular goal, such as capturing leads or prompting a specific action, such as subscribing to a newsletter or seeking additional information.

To create landing pages that work effectively for your Google Ads for mortgage brokers campaigns, pay attention to the following key elements:

Compelling Headline: The headline on your landing page should be straightforward and attention-grabbing, matching the message of the ad. Make sure your writing is compelling by emphasizing the advantages of your mortgage services.

Engaging Visuals: Include pertinent graphics or photos that complement your content and improve the user experience.

Concise and Relevant Content: Keep your writing concise and focused on addressing the demands and benefits available to the user. Utilize subheadings and bullet points to make content easier to scan.

Highlight Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Communicate your mortgage brokerage’s unique selling points effectively. Explain to customers why selecting your services will benefit them.

Trust-Building Elements: Include elements like client testimonials, industry awards, and security badges to build trust and credibility.

User-Friendly Forms: When gathering information, create forms that are easy to use, have clear labels, and only include the necessary fields.

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Your call to action has to be clear and appealing. Use language that encourages action, such as “Apply Now” or “Get a Quote.”

Mobile Optimization: Because a lot of people will be seeing your landing page on smartphones and tablets, make sure it is responsive to mobile devices. Do a comprehensive test on several devices.

Here’s a sample of a good landing page.

Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers



Set your daily budget. Monitor your budget to ensure you don’t overspend, and adjust your bids based on performance. Organize your campaigns and ad groups logically. Allocate funds to campaigns according to their significance and order of relevance.  

Review and Launch

Before launching your campaign, carefully review all settings, keywords, and ad copy. Once you’re satisfied, click the “Launch” button.

Congratulations you have created your first Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers campaign. It’s important to keep in mind that effective Google Ads frequently need constant optimization and modification. By regularly analyzing the performance of your ads, you can make informed decisions on which keywords and targeting strategies are generating the best results.

This continuous optimization process helps you refine your ads and reach a more targeted audience, leading to higher conversion rates. Additionally, staying up-to-date with industry trends and competitor analysis can further enhance the effectiveness of your Google Ad campaigns, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition and continue to see positive results.


Final Thoughts in Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers

Google Ads for mortgage brokers is a gateway to connecting with those in need of mortgage services. Through strategic utilization of ‘Google Ads for mortgage brokers,’ professionals in the mortgage industry can transform their online presence into a magnet for potential clients, generating leads, and propelling their business to new heights. It provides mortgage brokers with the ability to accurately target their audience, minimize expenses, and track real-time outcomes. Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers’ is a vital tool for mortgage professionals hoping to succeed in the digital age because of its scalability, adaptability, and customization choices.

If you want us to run Google Ads for you, Schedule a free strategy session with us and learn how SEO can also help your business.

Interested in learning more? Read more related articles.

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